‘Ventana’ A Magical Animated Short Created By Disney’s Summer Interns
This summer Walt Disney Animation Studios offered a “talent development” internship program. Here students could work in the Disney Animation Studio and learn about film making while improving their skills.
Disney just released an amazing short created by the summer interns called Ventana. It was created over a two month period by the Disney Summer 2017 Interns.
It’s the story of a girl who seems trapped in her life, until she discovers a paper dragon.
The dragon moves around the room and then leaves, giving her a choice to stay or to go. It’s very well done and definitely feels like a Disney piece. I’m impressed they did so much so quickly. I love how expressive the girl is throughout.
This really would be an amazing experience! The Oh My Disney blog interviewed Apollonia Thomaier. She worked as a story intern on Ventana, and her mentor was Brian Kesinger, a head of story at Disney Animation.
They asked her what she was most proud of and she said:
“I am so proud of all of us interns coming together. I think we had two weeks left, and we all had a meeting together, and we all had a discussion as interns, asking: ‘What do we all want from this project? What are our intentions with this project?’ We all decided, ‘We’re gonna finish this, and we’re gonna finish this with a bang!’ All of a sudden there was such an energy that came over our team, and everybody just started running … there was constant creation when we all just committed to the idea that we were going to finish this together.”
They did a great job! It’s a beautiful piece!
Here is the group that worked on Ventana (I love their shirts!).
Source: Click here.
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